Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Brief History of Time, An Extensive Presence of Future

Carl Sagan's ideology on Time and Space is very appealing, as it can be incorporated into the current suppositions that are engulfing the Lost Community. Many of his ideas are the premise of one of his books, Contact. If you are part of the TIME TRAVEL TRIBE in the Lost Community, I think you will find this book very interesting.

In an interview done with Nova Online, Carl Sagan has this to say about the "Grandfather Paradox".

NOVA: On that note, can you describe the "grandfather paradox?"

Sagan: The grandfather paradox is a very simple, science-fiction-based apparent inconsistency at the very heart of the idea of time travel into the past. It's very simply that you travel into the past and murder your own grandfather before he sires your mother or your father, and where does that then leave you? Do you instantly pop out of existence because you were never made? Or are you in a new causality scheme in which, since you are there you are there, and the events in the future leading to your adult life are now very different? The heart of the paradox is the apparent existence of you, the murderer of your own grandfather, when the very act of you murdering your own grandfather eliminates the possibility of you ever coming into existence. Among the claimed solutions are that you can't murder your grandfather. You shoot him, but at the critical moment he bends over to tie his shoelace, or the gun jams, or somehow nature contrives to prevent the act that interrupts the causality scheme leading to your own existence. <----This almost sounds like course correction.

NOVA: Do you find it easy to believe the world might work that way—that is, self-consistently—or do you think it's more likely that that there are parallel universes?

Sagan: It's still somewhat of a heretical ideal to suggest that every interference with an event in the past leads to a fork, a branch in causality. You have two equally valid universes: one, the one that we all know and love, and the other, which is brought about by the act of time travel. I know the idea of the universe having to work out a self-consistent causality is appealing to a great many physicists, but I don't find the argument for it so compelling. I think inconsistencies might very well be consistent with the universe.

Yes, this ties in nicely with LOST time views....and Mrs. Hawking. Maybe Alex's boyfriend, Carl, will end up having the last name Sagan (not likely). Alas, I do not want to venture any further through the wormhole, let us look at something closer to home, closer to this reality.

As was regrettably, yet thankfully announced buy Team Darlton, LOST will end in 2010. That is why I waste no time in trying to find the answers before the mysteries are solved (sarcasm included). We have come through three seasons of this maniacal maze and we have three left. Unfortunately, I only started blogging this season. THAT'S WHAT DVDS ARE FOR! I will be doing reviews, as some of my blog allys are (see Ben Lundy link), on each episode starting with season 1. When I realized that this season was over, my brain went into turbo mode trying to think of a way to pass the hiatus time. This was my solution. I will be doing as thorough of a review as possible, picking out details that hint at what's to come, character analysis and development, pop culture references, and much more...or at least as much more as I can think of.

That is what I have in store for my blog. If you would like to see something else as well, tell me. As always, thanks for reading!!!

NAMASTE and Good Luck!!


1 comment:

Bigmouth said...

Very interesting stuff, CF! And I'm pretty the writers have said that Carl Sagan's pessimistic interpretation of the Drake Equation was one inspiration for the Valenzetti...