Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Time In Sync

Time? Time? Mittelos? Lost Time? I have been thinking about Walt and how TPTB could possibly explain his age. Well, one option is that he doesn't show up again. Yet, I also have been thinking about the ageless wonder Richard Alpert. I think all of this aging and not aging ties into the time. In the trailers they have been saying. "On September 22nd, 2004 Flight 815 2008 rescue comes...or does it" ok so that isn't exact..but the 2008 part is.

So we can say that they are just referring to the dates on which the series premiered..and which it's coming back...but maybe this refers to more...

WHOA sorry..I just was going insane! Why would anyone think that the show is actually in sync with reality?! I mean come ON!

Anyway..this ends my insane post.

Namaste and Good Luck!

P.S. I stole Memphish's countdown to the premiere widget. =]]


Capcom said...

I thought that it was weird that the promo starts with island time and then ends with real time. Kind of like breaking down the fourth wall.

I don't even want to start thinking about how that might be some kind of clue, my head will just let that one slide.

Anonymous said...

Wow that really is creepy!! What if it would be that the time on the island moves slower?! wow! Great theory Cool Freeze!!