Thursday, May 10, 2007


LOST did some major storytelling in the latest episode, The Man Behind the Curtain. Information came from every direction, flashback and present. At one point I switched over to DVR and paused it because I needed a break. I needed to think about what I was seeing. So if you got time, sit back and relax because this is going to be a weird LOST Blog post.

Now, where do I start? Ahh yes, the beginning.


NOT!!!!!! Of course Ben was born "just outside of Portland", which has become a significant location this season. The scene where Ben was born reminded me of the scene from Men in Black, where Will Smith helps the woman give birth to an alien baby on the roadside, a very fitting comparison if you ask me. "Let's name the alien, Benjamin."
OK, so those weren't her last words, but Ben's mom did struggle to say "Let's name him Benjamin." right before she died. Which raises the question, was it her having Ben early that killed her or was it her saying his name? Who knows. Develop some theories on that.

"Welcome to the land of the Hostiles, brah! NAMASTE!"
When I saw young Benjamin (looking a lot like Harry Potter I might add) get off the sub with his daddy Roger and step onto the island of poo, I thought the next scene would be Woodstock. They were handing out leis and spreading peace and love by saying Namaste. Now, here is a serious thought. Are the leis a clue along with the little bobble head that Naomi had in her backpack? What are the writers trying to tell us?

No, just flip the tape over, I'm not dead. Of course Juliet is a good girl. She is, isn't she? I didn't get much info about what Jack's plan was so I won't be talking about it.

I always thought Ben was older then Richard Alpert, but when I saw Ben in the flashback with Richard he looked a LOT younger then him. Plus, Richard was wearing a lot more eyeliner (hence, young and beautiful).

These two are something else. Here is how the whole 'meeting Jacob' scene went.

Ben enters cabin and proceeds to the presumably empty rocking chair. He starts talking to the chair. I start to think that I am right about Ben lying. Locke questions Ben and asks him if he is just putting on a show for him or if he is crazy and really thinks someone is there. Ben says that of course someone is there. Locke gets fed up and turns to leave when he hears "Help Me". I rewind to make sure I heard right. I did hear right. He turns and looks at Ben while I go into the other room and check my sanity and then check the information on the show to see if this is really LOST or not.

Sorry, I can't go on because the rest was entirely too creepy.

To skip to the end, we see Ben shoot Locke and left in a Post Dharma-Purge Grave pit to die.

We know this episode was titled Man Behind the Curtain. In the Wizard of Oz, the wizard appears to be someone great and powerful. Is Jacob great and powerful or was he in a control room somewhere with a microphone and a green screen?

I doubt the latter.

So tell me your thoughts. I am going to the bathroom because the thought of that scene is just THAT HORRIFIC.


NAMASTE and Good Luck Theorizing.


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